The Letter G..... for Glasgow, Gran, Grandpa and Great Grandparents! This is what I've been up to this week, visiting loads of people!!
Last weekend Mummy went out with Auntie Laura to somewhere called a pub and she didn't come back until me and Daddy went to collect her the next day! We had fun without her though, playing loads of games and eating lots. On Saturday, we went out for lunch with Auntie Laura and I got some Tacos, some Fajitas and some yummy refried beans. On Sunday none of us were feeling very well so we didn't go out of the house.
On Monday the adventures began. We packed up the car, said bye bye to Daddy and drove off towards Glasgow. I had a big huge sleep, and when I woke up we sang some songs until we arrived in Glasgow. We got out there at a park and it was so so cold, my nose was frozen.
We met my virtual girlfriend Natasha and her Mummy Bryony. Here is us having lunch. We were sharing my food, and I was teaching Natasha how to eat loads of food! This is us choosing from the menu too, like grown ups! In the end we settled for choosing for our mummies, they had a roast and some butternut squash and even shared their yorkshire puddings with us!
After lunch we went for a nice long walk to have a wee sleep. It was very foggy and minus four degrees by then!! We said bye to Natasha and then we were meant to be going to see Grandpa, but he had to go out so we just went to Grans house instead.
I had my dinner and then Gran came in to play!
On Tuesday I got up late and went to meet all my Gran's friends at her work. They all liked me and said I was very handsome!! We went out for lunch after that, in a place that was very cold but had nice cakes!
On Wednesday, Mummy took me to see one of her friends from school, Nicola, and her baby Cameron. He was good fun, we played with his toys and waved at his doggy out of the window. Then Mummy took me for a drive to see her old houses and school. One of her old houses was in Corrie Place.....that's my name!!! Isn't that clever?
That night Mummy had a shot of Grans fancy bath. Once you get in you push a button and it makes millions of this photo! Mummy tried to put it on when I was in the bath, but it was noisy and I was very scared of the bubbles!
On Thursday morning we had to get up early to get ready to drive back to my house. While Mummy was packing all of our things up and geting ready, I played with Tom for ages. He plays good games with me, building me towers to knock over and letting me pull his moustache!!
On the way we went to visit my Great Gran and Grandpa, who have not seen me since I was only 4 weeks old. I was a bit tired so not in the best mood. I didn't want my lunch, but I did get a little bit of millionaire shortbread, Mummy was too slow and I sneaked to it!My Grandpa had also come over to see us, it was nice to see him for a while too. We then headed off back to Aberdeen. I had a sleep until we got to a place called Dundee, and then me and Mummy sang nursery rhymes along with the CD. It was fun.
It was really nice to see my Daddy again when we got home...speaking of Daddy, he just told me that he will take over from Thursday night and tell you what happened next!
Love Kory.xx
Some extra photos....I loved sitting bashing Grans bin with a wooden spoon!
This is my "just got out of bed" look!!
Awww Kory looks so cute, especially with his 'bed head' look! Glad to see he's discovered Boogie Beebies - my kids dance around the room to it.
And Julie, it's nice to see you enjoying a glass of wine in the bath. I'm sooooo jealous, our bath is full of plastic toys and wine here is too expensive! Ah well, I'll enjoy it more when I'm back in the UK.
Lots of love. Jill xx
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