Monday, December 11, 2006

20 Week Scan & Bump

On Friday we had our 20 week scan of Teddy. Here is the result...a baby!! Everything was present and correct, 4 chambers in the heart, 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 hands, 2 feet and one head. It was jumping around all over the place, showing the scanner it's feet and peeking round at whatever was poking it!!

I'm feeling Teddy moving all the time now, to the point of lacking sleep. I feel shattered, argh, what am I doing having another one who won't sleep at nights? I've just got used to sleep again! Oh well 18 months from now I might get a full night...counting down....

This is my bump photo from the weekend. I feel like a big beached whale, but apparently look great (so you lot keep telling me anyway, I'm not being big headed here!!) The sickness is almost away, I do still feel a bit rough, and have my moments with food, but on the whole it's better than it was.



Anonymous said...

Wow Teddy looks huge compared o Pudd'n'! And you're right, you do look great. Can't wait till I've got a bump to showfor all the nausea!

Love Jenni xxx

Joooles, Andrew, Emily and Daisy x said...

Great scan, how exciting!