A Whole Week...
...since I did an update, ooops. I won't go on and on, just a quick update of the weeks events, and probably some non events too! Last Saturday we went into Aberdeen in the morning to the International Market. As usual it was really mobbed but I did manage to pick myself up a nice necklace. In the evening, it was my baby group night out. We went to a chinese in town called Chi. It was nice enough but was slow. Our table was booked for 8pm and we left at midnight, by which time I was almost falling asleep!
On Sunday I was working, James cleaned out the inside ot the car and Kory slept!! On Monday, Kory and I headed to Brewsters to meet Leanne and the twins for a play. Kory attempts to say Jessica and Sophie now, but it's more like 'Essica' and 'Fifi' After we were done we went to Asda. It was a nightmare. It's the first time I've done a big shop since I've been pregnant and doing it with Kory was a big mistake!!
On Tuesday morning, Kory woke up in a mood (actually we all did as he'd been up screaming in the night!!). This was not ideal as he had his injection later in the morning. Needless to say this didn't help his mood, so we came home and I put him to bed, where he stayed for 3 hours, yay!! He was happier when he got up and seems to have been fine since. I worked till 10pm at night again this week.Our Wednesday and Thursday's were just normal, playgroup then a bit of a bumming about afternoon and a lazy morning then baby group. I wrapped most of my Christmas presents on Thursday night, forgetting how hard that is with a bump!! I was in agony and gave up!! This was Kory doing a bit of naked dancing before bed (don't ask!!) one night this week.
On Friday, Kory's imagination seemed to run riot! He insited that he put a pair of shoes on the toy doggy. He then realised that the doggy had more legs and needed more shoes. Then the doggy was thirsty and needed a drink of his juice. Then obviously Kory wanted to take a photo of the doggy!!
Later, we picked James up from work, went to choose some books for Kory and went out for a lovely meal. We went to Pancho Villas (mexican) where as we were so early we were the only ones for most of the time. Kory was incredibly well behaved, eating most of his chicken fajita thing and entertaining the staff!! As it was the 1st of December, Kory opened his advent calendar and was delighted to see "cock-lat" inside!!
Today we finally sorted out Teddy's bedroom (well almost, there's still piles of baby clothes in there) sorted Kory's room, and even put up some pictures and mirrors, so it finally looks like a home in here!! We were meant to be putting up the Christmas tree too, but I have totally overdone it today and am so sore and sick.
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