Pre-Christmas Update
Firstly my bump from last week, I keep forgetting to post it, oops! This week I've not been feeling great. Probably a mixture of doing too much and everything going on. I was sent home from work on Sunday as I almost fainted 3 times in 20 minutes. I had to be driven as I clearly wasn't safe to drive. So James and Kory walked up to get the car while I lay in bed. It was sheer bliss actually to be in the house alone, not something that happens often.
On Monday, Kory and I went to Brewsters in the afternoon to meet Leanne, Jessica and Sophie. The kids played and we chatted. On Tuesday, Dave came round for a while. As you can see Kory took a shine to him, climbed all over him and tried to tickle his belly button. He stayed for lunch and most of the afternoon till I had to get ready for work. Work was total chaos at night and I came home shattered.
On Wednesday, Kory and I slept in till 9am in the morning - was lovely. James has started bringing Kory through to lie with me in bed still in his sleeping bag in the mornings while he gets ready for work. When James left, Kory nodded off again, so I took full advantage and did the same. This photo is him doing his silly face which he's done for ages, but not on demand till recently!! In the afternoon, we went round to see Hannah, Holly and Natalie. Holly is amazing with her speech now, a proper little chatterbox and Natalie is such a smiley wee thing, butter wouldn't melt!! I left Kory there for a while to nip to see the midwife.
She says the reason for my fainting episodes is pregnancy related, called Hypo/Hyper something (sorry I forget!) She also says I'll probably need physio for my sciatica this pregnancy as it's happenning so early, but that is probably in part because of my stupid tummy muscles, which have given up the will to live! Basically they have split open as they'd only have started to heal after they were ripped open during my c-section. So that explains why I am looking more pregnant that I am.
Yesterday, baby group couldn't get into the room we're normally in, so we decided to meet down at Rambo's instead. There were the 2 sets of twins which is a rarity. Kory looks somewhat confused at the identical ones, but fires right in there and dances for/with them! I braved Asda last night to get the Christmas food shopping, and it was awful. So many people acting like food was rationed and they'd never see food again. Trolley rage galore
This morning we left the house early to meet Sarah and Coinneach in town. We had no buggy so Kory was walking. NIGHTMARE! He kept getting sore legs and trying to climb up me to get picked up. I'm struggling to walk about myself now, so carrying him was breaking my poor arms. We didn't leave town till 1pm (James finished early today), by which time he was very very sleepy, so needless to say he zonked in the car.
I sneaked out to take a photo of him snoozing in the car, mouth wide open. I came back in and thought I might as well take one of James too as he was asleep on the couch. Like 2 flippin' peas in a pod these 2...not sure who copies who any more. The afternoon was almost gone by then, so we watched some Santa Clause the Movie, ate some food and played. I guess that's it till all the festive fun is over, so have a lovely time and I'll update you soon!
Your second pregnancy sounds like a carbon copy of, sciatica, fainting, split muscles. Let's just hope you don't end up on crutches like I did!
Stay well and hope you all have an excellent Christmas and New Year.
Jill x
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