This week hasn't been very eventful. However, we have the 20 week scan tomorrow. I might even see if James will scan the photo seeing as we never actually got the last one on here! This is last weeks bump photo, it seems to be getting bigger by the day. I'm not sure Kory was as active as this baby at this stage, but then I'm sure I've blanked a lot of it out, otherwise I'd not be doing it again!!
Kory has decided this week he loves cooking or helping anyway. As you saw in the Chef post the other day, he stands on a chair and "helps" His favourite thing seems to be sprouts, he gets his (blunt) knife and tries to copy James scoring them and pulling the outside leaves off!! And the best bit? He loves eating them too! How many kids actually like sprouts, what's that all about??!!
In saying that, there isn't food he won't eat. Those of you reading this who know us will know that! Any time, any place, any food. And it's not like more snacking means he eats less at meals, oh no, not Kory, he still eats his meals. Not really a surprise that he's solid! I caught him on the couch cuddling my Pooh hot water bottle the other day, which is why he looks surprised in this photo!
Anyway, at the start of the week I managed to do my back in and could barely move, it was horrible, especially when Kory didn't understand why Mummy wouldn't dance with him!! So we didn't go to anything on Monday, and then Tuesday was a disaster swimming. He screamed, clung to me like a monkey yelling "cuddle mummy cuddle" and wouldn't let go. We ended up getting out after 15 minutes of this and abandoned the lesson. Wednesday was just playgroup, then Asda for a few bits in the afternoon and today was a write off as I was ill again then made it to the group in the afternoon.
Kory is very into books just now. He's got so many (I'm fed up of them all, I can't wait for him to get new ones for Christmas!!) Everywhere we go he makes a beeline for the books as well. So here he is having a read of his Pooh Bear book on the couch.
Hi Julie
I'm looking forward to seeing you all tonight (have books - will travel :O) )
Looking at the sprout chopping pic, have you been able to tell yet whether Kory has inherited the "First born, left handed" gene?
Let's hear it for the left-handers...yey!!! Superior intelligence you know (or so they tell me!)
I was thinking that before actually but until you both said I never noticed him doing it in the picture :).
Takes after his dad ;)
Perhaps I should have added that in Coral's family (Kory's paternal Grandma) every first-born child has been left handed - including James - but all subsequent children have been right handed. Weird!
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