Crash, Bump!
What a week I've had! Well on Tuesday morning, Kory got up in a mood and was really tired. As it was the last day of his swimming lessons and they were having a bit of a party/games day, I wanted him in an ok mood. So I decided to go out for a wee drive to get him to sleep for a while. I got just along the road, and managed to go into the back of another car/van.
Ultimately it was my fault, we were going to turn left onto a dual carriageway. There was no traffic on the road, and the car in front moved forward to pull out, I looked to the right to check again that it was still clear, which it was and I accelerated to go...right into the back of him. He'd stopped again and not gone. GRR.
Kory thought it was good though "mummmeee, bump!" - I got out and so did the guy, he saw I had Kory in the car and that I'm pregnant, said his office was just up the road and we all went up there. Swapped insurance details, they made sure I was ok and I made my way home. James came home for the rest of the day as I was a bit wobbly. I spent the whole day feeling guilty for bumping when Kory was in the car. Here he is eating a lolly I gave him. He was delighted as he doesn't really get sweets!
On Wednesday we spent the whole day in the house waiting on the garage to come and get the car. When they did, Kory was delighted as they brought a truck and put it on the back of it. They left us a we Micra and it feels like driving a bubble, it's so light after our car! Yesterday was our "baby group" Christmas party - it was a bit of a rushed one this year because we only planned it a week ago! The kids all ate loads as usual and played and us mummies just chatted! Kory had on his santa monkey top as you can see in this photo with him posing and saying "cheeeeeeeeese"
There are 2 sets of twins who go, one identical and one non identical. The non identical ones are Jessica and Sophie and I think Kory has a soft spot for Jessica. When you ask him who his friends are, he says Daniel and Jessica. Anyway, I caught them kissing yesterday! Unfortunately the stupid digital camera flashes first and by the time it actually took the photo, they'd both turned round!
Kory just gets cuter and cuter, what a smile! He's going to be real lady killer when he's older I reckon!
Jenni xxx
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