Sunday, July 15, 2007


Today has been a really hot day. I woke up not well this morning (side effects from drugs I'm on for a breastfeeding related illness - won't bore you with details!) so after I put Krystal for a nap, James took Kory out to the park and I went back to bed. I eventually got up about 12pm by which time Kory was in bed.

We all had lunch in the garden, Kory was delighted with his Halloumi, pitta bread and tomatoes! And Krystal even played in her seat. But as babies do, they lull you into a false sense of security and then do a complete U-turn. So James went for a nap with Krystal for an hour while Kory and I played and had ice lolly's. I polished Kory's chute with furniture polish to make it really slidey, he was delighted and spent the rest of the afternoon zooming down it! I've now got a burnt left shoulder though - yes it was *that* hot!



Jilly Baby said...

That's soooo pants, we had visitors this weekend and it rained continually, non stop. Total bummer.