Monday, January 17, 2005

Bump Update - Week 30!!

Well that's me hit the 30 week mark in pregnancy and also hit the 26 mark in life as it was my birthday last week!! Laura and Colin were here for that, and the 4 of us went out for an indian. It was really the time!! The baby got the hiccups afterwards (poor Bunny!!) and I had heartburn and was up half the night. So think that'll be my last indian till after he gets here.

I had a midwife appointment on Wednesday last week, hadn't seen her for ages! Blood pressure is still "shockingly healthy" and had blood tests and wee samples taken which seem fine. Laura came in with me and was able to hear baby's heartbeat - she cried!!!

The midwife had a squeeze about my tummy and said baby is currently lying breech, but still plenty of time to move him around. He is now measuring pnly 2 weeks ahead of what he should be, which is a big improvment on 4 weeks!! His heartbeat is 130bpm.

She also says I have RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) in my left leg, which has been driving me nuts in bed at night, and sciatica in my right leg. Feel like I am falling apart! Finding it very difficult to sleep with all these ailments!

We ordered the carpet for baby's room at the weekend (thanks mum!) so that is being fitted on Friday. I am so excited as then we can build the furniture and then I can sort out the cot and see what clothes I have for him instead of them all being in bags everywhere.

This week we have Kelly Pete and Jasmine coming to visit (James sister, hubby and kid!). They arrive on Thursday night and go home on Monday. Not sure yet what we're going to do though, so watch this space!
