Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Midwife Update!

Just thought I'd post here as I know everyone reads this instead of emailing loads of different times!

As you know I have been off work this week with "tummy problems" Well I am going back on Monday, which is the good news (??), but doc still wants to keep an eye on me in 2 weeks time as it's really running me down.

Had a routine midwife appointment today...and I am showing signs of pre-eclampsia and have to see her on Tuesday and again the following Wednesday just to keep an eye on things!

But on the plus side, we have a clever Bunny, he's managed to ask for directions (very un-male like!) and got himself round the right way. Now so long as he stays put, we'll be fine!!

Baby's heartbeat is good as well, 156bpm.

That's all folks ;o)