Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Happy Birthday Blog!!

As the title suggests, we're wishing the blog a Happy Birthday!! It was one year ago today that the first article was posted (read here).

I can't believe all that's happened in the past year, busy time! But not going to do an awards ceremony speech, as you have read it all here!!

Here's to another year, and posts becoming less frequent!!

Julie, James & Kory.xx


Anonymous said...

Hi James, Julie and Kory,

Just a brief message to thank you for your efforts with the last year's Blog. Reading your diary has become a morning ritual here and we are both grateful for its enabling us to keep up with the events in your lives. Although we are hundreds of miles away and don't get to see you very often it has meant we can keep up with Kory's development. The entries are always informative and amusing and the pictures are a treat. We hope you will carry on in the same way in the future. All our love to the 3 of you and looking forward to seeing you in London for your visit soon. Mum & Dad B XXX