Monday, October 31, 2005

Bounce, Bounce, Bounce

As promised here's a wee video I took of Kory in his bouncer yesterday. Enjoy!!!! :)



Jilly Baby said...

the video is showing as a broken link - can you fix it?

James said...

Ummm, strange!! It seems to be working on my machine at home and at work. It's also the same technique I've used for all the videos before.

Can you see any of the older ones? There should be some kicking around in the March archive.


Jilly Baby said...

Nope still not working. The video in march works fine!

Anonymous said...

Boy he can certainly bounce!!! Pity its got no sound, would love to hear him giggling as he goes!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a difference since I last saw him in the bouncer!

The video seemed to to work in IE ok but not in Firefox.

All the best
Neil O

Anonymous said...

James, you look just like your dad when he was your age. Almost eerily so. Looks like you have a real nice family there.
