Sunday, October 02, 2005

Fun Weekend

As usual, we've had a busy little weekend when James is off. For a change we've actually done lots and also managed to have the house in a reasonable state without being stuck inside all weekend! But first, back to Friday. After Kory saying he would remind me to take the camera to Art Class, I forgot, ooops!

We got up in the morning and both wolfed down our porridge and managed to get out of the house by 8:50am! An amazing feat these days! We walked up the roard and met Ann and Liam who were also going to the class. We arrived, and sat around gossiping for a while, then went to the big hall and played with toys for a bit while the "leaders" got out the paints and paper.

Some of the older kids were lying down and getting someone to draw round them, and making big pictures of themselves with wool, but the babies did a big "footpath" with paint on their feet. Kory also did 2 footprints to bring home for Daddy! In all he had a good time! In the afternoon, we went to Julie's house (the one whose wedding we went to a few weeks ago) to look at her wedding photos.

Yesterday I went into town shopping, all by myself, which was GREAT! No offence to Kory, but being able to leave him was nice. Now that James can feed him, I get some freedom! I was only gone 3 hours, but managed to do lots. I finished "Santa" shopping for Christmas, bought my Christmas cards and wrapping paper, changed a bodywarmer that Coral bought Kory for this one in picture, and got some bargains in Mothercare's closing down sale, ALL clothes were £3!!

I came home to find my two boys had been having a ball without me! And the house was even cleaner than when I left...who says men can't do housework, mine does! We went a big long walk later in the day, round Cove and beyond! It was blowing a gale and poor Kory was all rosey cheeked and windswept when we got home!

Today I got up early with Kory to let James have a long lie. By 8:30am I'd fed Kory, given him his porridge, and cooked mince and lentils for him and got them in the freezer. Oh how times have changed...Sunday morning and I'm even up is impressive, but cooking too!? After his porridge he got his first piece of toast. As you can see he wasn't overly impressed at first, but soon discovered he could suck it and there was no stopping him.

Once James got up we went a drive to a place called Ellon and went for some lunch. Kory ate like a little pig (again) and our food was nice too! We then went to Balmedie Beach park, and boy am I glad we have an "offroad" buggy! It was great in sand dunes! When we got home, after a detour to Asda, Kory had an evening meal for the first time. It consisted of chicken (another first) potatoes and brocolli, which he gobbled down. I honestly don't know where he puts it all, little piglet!

That's it for now, another update soon!


Anonymous said...

Hi Julie, James and little Kory.

Just to say thanks Julie for another very nice Blog; interesting and lovely pics. But - hey - I am good househusband to! Perhaps it's a family thing.

Should have put this on the previous Blog entry I know but just wanted to add that both Coral and I agree with the comment on the rave music auction that " IT NEEDS TO BE HEARD TO BE BELIEVED." We are just sorry that you didn't pass it on to Kory James so that he could give you the pleasure that we had in listening to it all -over and over and over and over lol :O)

Look after yourselves,

Chad & Coral in London