Monday, October 03, 2005


...I'm meant to eat the mince?? Not wear it?? I thought it looked rather nice all down my front, all over Mummy and I even thought it looked quite cute on the floor! I just thought I'd show Mummy (after hearing her tell her friend I don't make a mess when eating) that I am not always clean and can make a mess too! I did eat it eventually, but it was more fun to play with it!! This was my dinner tonight, I had it with potatoes and brocolli, and had apples for pudding.

As you can see I was so disappointed when it was finished, that I thought I'd make an attempt to eat the tub they were in. I also learnt how to use a spoon to bang the tub and make loads and loads of noise. Mummy said I was driving her nuts, whatever that means. She was busy cooking her dinner and some macaroni cheese for me too.

She even let me have a big chunk of cheese "to keep me quiet" while she was making it. I managed to bite bits off with my gums, and suck them to make a lovely orange mush. I loved it! I hope I get cheese again soon. But I think that is enough about what I ate today, I better tell you about the rest of my day!

We got up this morning and I played in my Tigger bouncer while Mummy got all showered and dressed, and then I went to play with Holly at her house. Here we are sitting on the floor playing together. Holly can crawl now, so when I want something I can't reach, she gets it for me! Mummy says I have a "Beer Belly" and "Man Boobs" in this photo, how rude!! After we'd both had our lunch, we went a big huge walk then came home.

Here is a photo of me that Mummy forgot to post. My Nana knitted me this hat and cardigan.

I am a very sleepy boy tonight, I only had 2 little short naps today and all this food is wearing me out. Goodnight.
