Friday, November 12, 2004

The only way is up

As if Julie being pregnant wasn't enough change for one year another big event has just occurred in our lives.

It was finally announced at work this afternoon that I'll be taking on the position of Senior Developer within Imajica.

This is really my first big step into management and it will be interesting to see what gets thrown at me. One thing is for sure though I'm looking forward to the new challenges that are ahead and can't wait to see how things develop from here on in.



Anonymous said...

Congratulations james! So you and julez are high fliers now, eh? Ooooeeeerrr!!!!! lol

Well done!

Love Bex. xxxx

Anonymous said...

Congrats and all that. I reckon the first thing you should do in your new senior role is get the new Imajica website done PDQ!!!

Love jill xxx