Sunday, May 29, 2005

Busy Weekend!

Been no posts as we've had a busy few days! My mum and Tom came up on Thursday night and we spent all day on Friday with them. We went out for lunch at Stonehaven and then Tom headed home about teatime. In the evening, James and I went out for a mexican meal while my mum babysat Kory.

On Saturday we took James to the airport early in the morning to head off to his nans 90th Birthday party. Mum, Kory and I went into town and went shopping. I spent some of my birthday and Christmas money (yes I know it was months ago!) and got new jeans and a couple of tops. Kory got a sunhat for his holidays!

Today we had a bit of a long lie and then got organised and went to Matalan and Asda - poor kid must think only Asda exists outside the house, we're always there!! Mum got Kory lots of clothes and a sleeping bag for the munchkin man!

He has been fairly good all weekend, not playing up too much and sleeping on and off. He still doesn't sleep for long, but 20 minutes is better than never which is was before. We have a busy week this week, but I'll update you as we go along!
