Monday, April 04, 2005

Baby Update - Day 8 & 9

Well we had a bit of 'excitement' over the weekend.

Julie had her routine checkup with the midwife on Sunday morning and mentioned that she's been getting a bit of discomfort in her chest again. (She had it while we were in hospital but by the time we'd left it had gone).

Alarms bells started with the midwife and before we knew it we were both packing bags and heading back to the hospital.

The last couple of days have been spent with Julie having x-rays and scans for potential blood clots. At 17:00 this evening though we got the all clear and off we went back home.

The only down-side to the whole experience is that Kory is now on bottles until Julie's flushed all the drugs from the scan out of her body. (she was injected with some kind of radioactive chemical). She had enough warning this time that she could express a reasonable amount of milk and thankfully he's taken to the bottle fine. It's going to take about 24 hours for it all to go through so in the mean time Daddy is taking control. Poor kid!!!! :D



POOH! said...

Hi all, so glad Julie is ok, and don't you worry James, I'm sure you will have the feeding thing all worked out and it will give you a great chance to bond with Kory at the same time....enjoy! But I hope Julie can still breast feed, not only is it cheap, its the best thing for him, but I'm sure you guys are sick of people telling you that!! hows the baby blues going? I hope its all gone. Regards Wendy :)