Monday, April 18, 2005

Star Wars & Girls!!

I've had a good day today, I got up about 8am and there was a parcel for me from Nana & Grandad. My very own exciting! Daddy opened it for me, as I can't quite co-ordinate my hands yet, and it was a wee knitted jacket and a brilliant fleecey blue dressing gown. It has ears on and a face on the hood, which satisfies mummy's obsession with making me look like an animal!

Mummy put it on me and Daddy started laughing saying I look like a Jawa from Star Wars. So have a look at the pics!!

We had a visit from our old midwife today to help mummy feel better, and once she was gone Hannah, Ian and Holly came round, as I hadn't met Ian before. As this photo shows, I'm really not very taken with the whole concept of girls - the first twice I met her, she kept hitting me, as her arms just flap about, and now, she has her arm round me, YUCK!!

She even tried to bite my head at one point, which you can see here on Holly's website.



POOH! said...

Well Kory, you had better get used to them girls, thats what you get for being so damn good looking!!! :)