The Final Visitor
Well as the title says we had our final visitor today. Neil, one of my oldest mates and our best man, came down from Inverness to see the little man for the first time.
Neil and Kory got on like a house on fire. I wasn't expecting Neil to be a very "baby" person, in fact both Julie and me were expecting him to refuse to even hold him. Instead they got on so well that I felt that we could have easily left them to it for the rest of the afternoon and gone out. He was even interested in watching how you changed a nappy!!!
You definatly caught us a bit off guard Neil :)
In the afternoon we went for a bit of lunch at one of our local pubs. Kory slept the whole time we were out but decided the moment we got home that it was time to play. So after an hours mess around on the play mat and a quick blast on the Xbox (Neil and me, not Kory. We're working on that one still!!) Neil headed home.

The moment we started getting him ready Kory screamed the place down :(. In fact it took us till 20:30 tonight to calm him down and get him to sleep.
Saying that it wasn't as bad as the last couple of nights. Kory's thrush has almost gone now so the little happy-chappy is starting to make a come back.
The plan for tomorrow is to do our big monthly food shop. Should be interesting as it's likely to be the longest time that Julie has been out since the birth and we need to try and time it between Kory's feeds. Should be fun :)
Hi James, good luck with the monthly shopping. Having 4 kids myself, I found it easier to go do the shopping fortnightly. You are not away as long and its easier to lug less items to the car. Maybe you guys could try that if its possible, its just a suggestion! Great little guy you have, he is gorgeous! :) Wendy
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