Cute Kory Day!
I got a nice long lie this morning as James got up and took Kory downstairs until 9:30am. Oh how things change calling 9:30 a long lie!
Gran and Grandapa came back this morning briefly before they headed home. This afternoon, we went into town as I *had* to go to Marks & Spencers! I lasted about an hour and was totally knackered so we came home again.The photos were taken when we got home and Kory was being very cute having a cuddle on the bed with me. When James got the camera out, he looked like he was trying to hide from it behind my arm which was so sweet! He changes so much every day, it's hard to keep up with him.
It's funny in town listening to people comment on how small and cute he is as we walk past them!Not a lot else to report I'm afraid...just had a quiet Sunday! We're off round to see Hannah and Holly tomorrow (they live just round the corner), so I'll see how I get on walking with the pram. It's the simple things that seem the most daunting to do alone now. But it's time to stop living in a bubble as long as I don't hurt myself!
I think your'e doing really well Julie. Your baby is beautiful. He is changing, I can see that too. It won't be long I spose and he will be rolling over! then sitting up, then crawling ect. It doesn't take long. Before you know it he will be off to kindergarden! I know I am way ahead, but believe don't take long. It seems only like yesterday my last child was a baby, now she is 8 years old and I don't know what happened to the time. Enjoy him while he is little. Love to all :)xx
Very cute baby!
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