Baby Update - Days 17 & 18
Wow, I don't do a post for a day and get people complaining! So just for all our fans, here are a few photos of Kory over the past 2 days.
I like this one of him in a catalogue model pose, looking past the camera, being too cool to look at it!!
The carseat one was taken today, when we ventured on an expidition to Asda for a few bits and pieces and some fresh air as we hadn't been out since Friday. I was shattered, it's amazing how tired you get doing nothing for 3 weeks! On the plus side, my wound is now healing up quite nicely, well what I can see of it. My movement is still pretty restricted, but each day gets easier.
Kory is being a wee star, only gets up once through the night and seems to have decided his grumpy time of day is around mid morning which is ok to deal with, rather than the middle of the night! This afternoon we had Hannah and Holly round to visit, and I forgot to take any pictures! But it was nice to have some contact with the outside world after so long. The last picture was of Kory being cute and cuddly at bathtime all wrapped up in his towel. He really likes bathtimes, thankfully, so we give him one every night to try and work it into a routine, so far so good. I bet now I wrote that I'm up all bloomin' night!
oh hes going to be right little poser...just like his auntie :-)
Looking older and more cheeky in each photo.sooo cute
Auntie Laura xx
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