Great Grandparents
Today my great grandparents (mummy's gran and grandpa) came to visit me with my Grandpa and Tricia. On the right is me with mummy, grandpa and great gran & grandpa. I got more cool clothes as presents, some fab shorts and t-shirts for my holiday in August!
I was asleep when they all arrived, but with all the camera's - that is daddy's phone, normal camera and camcorder, Grandpa's camcorder and digital one and Great Grandpa's camcorder and normal camera!! - it was like having the paparazzi in my living room! It is my Grandpa's birthday today, but he asked me not to mention how old he is, it's between me and him and I promised not to tell anyone he's 53 today....oops....I must perfect this keeping secrets thing!
I was pretty well behaved most of the day. We went to Asda in the morning and to a place Daddy calls the hairdressers. He even promised to take me there when I get older. Everywhere I go, people come over and stare at me and tell mummy I'm cute and "have such a nice colour" - don't they realise that colour caused me to have to see that horrible doctor and get bruises!
I'm getting really good now at holding my head up, I'm too nosey to lie down all the time! Anyway, I better go, daddy's getting huffy as I've been on his laptop too long!
Cute post Kory! keep it up! :)
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